ISSN: 0034-8376
eISSN: 2564-8896
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Application of Genomic Technologies in Clinical Pharmacology Research

VOLUME 67 - NUMBER 4 / July - August (In-depth Reviews)

Rafael Baltazar Reyes León-Cachón, Basic Science Department, Health Science Division, Universidad de Monterrey, San Pedro Garza García, N.L., México; Biochemical and Molecular Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, N.L., México
Jorge Angel Isidro Ascacio-Martínez, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, N.L., Mexico; Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Monterrey, N.L., Mexico; Universidad de Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Magdalena Gómez-Silva, Ipharma, S.A. de C.V., Monterrey, N.L., México
Everardo Piñeyro-Garza, Ipharma, S.A. de C.V., Monterrey, N.L., México
José Gerardo González-González, Service of Endocrinology, Hospital Universitario Dr. José Eleuterio González, Monterrey, N.L., México
Gregory Pogue, Institute for Creativity and Capital (IC2), University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA
Laureano Simón-Buela, Progénika Biopharma, S.A. de C.V., Derio, Vizcaya, Spain
Hugo A. Barrera-Saldaña, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, N.L.; Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Monterrey, N.L.; Genetics Laboratory, Vitagénesis SA de CV., Monterrey, NL.; Mexico

Technology is the basis of scientific progress and is an essential component for continued competitiveness in industry. The development of a new drug candidate is a long and expensive process, in which a molecule undergoes several stages of research (both pre-clinical and clinical) before being approved for commercialization. Scientific progress has revolutionized the pharmaceutical industry and reshaped the processes by which new drugs are discovered, investigated, and developed. Currently, the influence of genomic variations in drug metabolism must be better understood to predict an individual´s response to a given treatment. Employing genomics tools, an individual’s genetic profile may be obtained and used as the basis for prescription of the best treatment option, thus personalizing medicine. In this review, we discuss how current mainstream genomic technologies used in clinical pharmacology research can accelerate the identification of populations that can benefit the most while reducing adverse events.

Keywords: Pharmacogenetic. Personalized medicine. Diagnostic genomic device.

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